Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 2
Throat Chakra
As mentioned, your clairaudience ability is located in your fifth chakra. This is your throat chakra. From here you begin to strengthen, unravel and become in tune with your clairaudience ability. Let your attention be present in this space for a few moments. This chakra is known to be a blue color and spins like a disc. See this vibrant blue chakra spinning with beautiful life force. It is alive and well. Your simple attention to this space allows the gift to begin to open.
How do I know I’m clairaudient?
Pay attention to your language. If clairaudience is a strong ability you might find yourself saying:
“The way I hear you talk of this plan …” as opposed to “The way I feel about this plan is…”
“As I consider this project I’m hearing you say…” as opposed to “As I consider this project I feel…”
If you chose the former word arrangement, you are likely clairaudient. If you chose the latter, you are likely more strongly clairsentient (clear feeling).
Do you find yourself talking out loud or quietly in your mind to yourself as to how things will play out regarding certain issues?
Do you recall sounds in your dreams clearly and vividly?
If you were describing how a recent trip went to your friend or family member would you be more inclined to tell them what you saw, touched, felt or what you heard?
Take a moment to recall the last show performance you saw. When you recall this what are your initial impressions? Do you give attention to vivid costumes and colors you saw, the sounds of the music or the performers voices, or to emotions it brought for you?
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