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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 22

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 22

Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 22 by Michelle Beltran

Being an Empath

What does it mean to be Empathic?

Being an empath is all about ‘feeling’ the emotions of others. This gift presents in many different ways. For example, do you feel that you just know things without being told? Or, do you feel overwhelmed in busy and loud place? Is it hard to be in an airport, mall or busy store? Do you take on the emotions or feeling of others as if they were yours? Or, do you feel the emotions of those near you? An empath will know or feel thoughts about themselves or another from near or even afar.

Am I an Empath?

Do you have to turn off the television when you see violence or tragedy because it is just too unbearable? Do you stop watching or paying attention to the media, altogether, because of this?

Do you actually feel the illnesses, aching, pains or physical symptoms of others when you are near them?

Do you find yourself rooting for the losing team or the underdog in a situation? Are you inspired to support those who you see as being intimidated, bullied or who are suffering?

See Also

Empaths are often highly creative and extremely rich imaginations. Is this you? Are you a fantastic day dreamer?

Do you know when someone is telling mistruths or when you are getting partial truth? Do you loathe dishonesty and feel a deep desire for truth?

Many empaths are natural healers. Do you have an affinity toward healing others? Or, are you drawn to holistic, metaphysical or naturopathic solutions and remedies?

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