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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 23

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 23

Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 23 by Michelle Beltran

Interpreting Dreams Why Do We Dream?

We dream because we need to. We must have sleep to rejuvenate and replenish. Dreams are a part of our physiological evolvement and make up, and they are necessary. If this weren’t so, we (and all mammals) would have evolved away form the ability to dream long ago.

Dreams also help to make sure we stay in that essential sleep state. They become amusement for us, so to speak, to keep us in the sleep state. For example, when the garbage truck rumbles by in the morning, you don’t wake up, yet you do dream of the rumbling thunder storm in your dream. So, the dream allows you to get a good night’s sleep, by uniquely blending in the exterior noises, so as not interrupt this valuable place of rejuvenation.

See Also

As we process and balance the emotions of our daily lives, dreams become a vehicle to align our emotional selves. When you go to bed feeling upset about something your subconscious will actually counter the unpleasant feeling by bringing in dreams about pleasant things. You may dream about a happy and fun outing with family, notice vivid and bright colors rooted in good feelings, or perhaps dream about animals that bring you joy. In this way, your dreams become a balancer of sorts so that you awake refreshed and with a new perspective.

Dreams also help us to problem solve. We’ve all heard the phrase, “I’m going to sleep on it.” Though you may not recall how you are problem solving, know that while in dream state, you are indeed doing just this.

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