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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 27

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 27

Dreaming of an ex-partner is generally an indication of unfinished business and an incompletion of the relationship. So ask yourself what is still unresolved in this former relationship. The goal as one heals and moves forward from a past relationship is to find balance. By this, I mean that any hate, anger, fear, and resentment from the relationship are no longer present and as the relationship is recalled by you at any point in time, you no longer feel highly charged emotions. The relationship has become insignificant if not trivial. Your dreams will help you find this and get to the core of the issue. If you feel vengeance, resentment, or anger this is your clue there is work yet to do on this relationship. While you are in this kind of dream, about an ex-partner, say something firm to them that help to complete the relationship. You might say, “Look at me! I am so beautiful. I am completely happy without you.”

Finally, if you are dreaming about your partner with another, then you want to ask yourself, “What don’t I have that they have.” This dream is not about the person your partner is with, but rather, it is about what they symbolize. So, if you are dreaming of your partner with the bank manager, who you find as financially stable and wise, then ask yourself if financial instability is something missing from your life and relationship. What aspect of the bank manager do you desire?

Figuring Out In Dreams

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