Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 28
Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 28 by Michelle Beltran
Interpreting Dreams Common Dreams
This week you’ve learned that the meanings of dreams are highly individual and you’ve learned about flying dreams, being chased dreams, teeth falling out dreams, and infidelity dreams. As you now know, other common theme dreams are:
- Flying Dreams
- Being Chased Dreams
- Teeth Falling Out Dreams
- Infidelity/Relationship Dreams
- Falling Dreams
Let’s talk about the last common theme dream: falling dreams.
When you are having this insightful dream of learning, there is generally some lack of grounding or issue in which you are not feeling supported in some aspect of your life. As you are in this dream consider asking “Where in my life do I feel ungrounded?” or “Who is not in support of me or my endeavors?” or “What is not supportive of my goals and desires?“ You will find the right question to ask. The important realization is that some kind of stability, certainty or sure-footedness is missing. Are you feeling abandoned in some way?
Being Chased By Something Scary
We all have a light and dark side. (Dark does not mean bad. Dark just means dark – nothing more, nothing less.) There is dualism within us all that is necessary part of our human nature and energy self. The tragedy here is not that we have a dark side. Rather, the tragedy is that most attempt to run from the dark side as if it were somehow corrupt when in reality it is one with us. There is both good and bad in all of us, and each has value.
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