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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 29

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 29

Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 29 by Michelle Beltran

World Events
Please take some time today to sit in deep meditation. Let your focus be on world events. We all have the ability to tune into world events and many of you use your dreams already to do this through precognitive dreams. Today, you will focus on what your world predictions are while in meditation. Remember to use your Reading Screen, ground yourself, run energy, state your prayer and then put your protection rose up. If you desire your spirit guides be with you, then call on them as well.
You may find yourself seeing images relating to geographical changes, inventions, emerging artist creations, foreign country growth and expansion, medical or technological advancements, etc. Remember to be the observer and detach from the images. If you feel emotion you have dropped from the center of your head (neutrality) to your heart chakra. So, simply come back up to the center of your head. Just allow the information to present. Is there a date and time given to you? What are the details of each event? Please journal what presented about world events and share it with us in the forum.

Copyright © 2013 Michelle Beltran. All Rights Reserved.

___________________ Thank you for stopping in to learn about today’s topic at the 30-Day Conscious Living Challenge! If you would like to learn more about the topics this week please be sure to follow the releasing of my inaugural book, Take The Leap, set to release Fall/Winter 2013.

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