Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 30

by OMTimes Team

Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 30 by Michelle Beltran
Day Dreams
Please take some time today to notice the day dreams you fall into. Often higher knowing and spiritual messages are received in your day dreams. This can be important to your life of someone close to you, who you will see soon or even world events.
These day dreams occur once your logical left brain thinking mind relaxes and lets go. Your right brain then becomes fully engaged. You might find that this day dream often occurs smack dab in the middle of a project, driving or doing something else where your focus is maintained for a while. This is very common.
Set the intention to be aware when you fall into a day dream. Pay special attention to the story, or subject matter of the day dream. Also, pay close attention to symbols, colors, sounds, etc. Take some time to journal what presented in the day dream. Did it have a particular meaning for you? Was it about a client? Was it about something in your own life? Did it appear to make no sense at all? Please discuss what presented in the forum.
Copyright © 2013 Michelle Beltran. All Rights Reserved.
___________________ Thank you for stopping in to learn about today’s topic at the 30-Day Conscious Living Challenge! If you would like to learn more about the topics this week please be sure to follow the releasing of my inaugural book, Take The Leap, set to release Fall/Winter 2013.

OMTimes Team
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality