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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 5

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 5

Now drop into your upper chest area and focus on your breathing. Tune in to your heart chakra for a bit. Then take your attention to your root chakra, at the base of your spine. Attach the grounding cord to that first chakra and let it drop into the center of the earth effortlessly. Fit that cord to fit snugly around the widest part of your body.

Now mentally jump out of your body and take a look at that grounding cord. Is it torn? Is it weak in some spots? Does it need to be wider? Fix your grounding cord exactly as needed Is anything stuck in it? Is everything moving through it? You may need to set your grounding cord on release mode. Let it open up fully.

To set your cord on release, set the clear intention that it’s time to let go of everything you no longer need. The lower vibrations and energies that aren’t serving you then pour down this drain, through the grounding cord. They’re not yours, so just release them. See a beautiful, golden, divine light pouring through you and through this cord, centering you and rooting your energy to the center of the earth.

See Also

See the energy in your physical body and aura that is ready to be released flow down through this cord. This is energy that is either not of you or that no longer serves you. Visualize it pouring out of you through your grounding cord. As you do this, you may see images coming up that are symbolic of situations in your life.

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