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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 5

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 5

Any of us can get filled up with other people’s energy throughout the day. We’re easily influenced by other energies. In time you will start to realize when you’re out of your center and need to do some grounding, because using these tools will increase your awareness in a big way.

Since I started doing this regularly, I’ve begun to feel good and calm all the time, as if I were being “programmed” to think positively. Now when I hear a negative thought from anyone or myself, I think, “Where did that come from?” Or if I feel anger at another driver on the highway I can calm myself and realize that that anger is not me—it’s coming from them or someone else. That is the beauty of these tools. You get so tuned into a higher vibration that when the lower self comes in, you can recognize it and say, “No more of that! I’m going back to being me.”

Until you establish this practice, it’s easy to not even realize how other people’s energy is affecting you. This is very true for us as a society. I see patterns of this over and over again with clients. Several things are very prominent. People often think, “If that person would just do this, I would be happy.” Or they worry about what others think of them, or feel they have to agree with others. They’re giving up their power in the process. The grounding process can help solve that problem, because when you’re grounding, you’re calling back your energy and letting go of everyone else’s. Nobody controls you but you.

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