Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 6
Creating a Protection Rose
As mentioned previously, your pure, positive essence is the only energy allowed in your space. In addition to your Prayer of Protection, a Protection Rose is another energy tool that assists you during your daily life, meditation or any kind of spiritual work to keep healthy energy boundaries in place. A Protection Rose acts like a filter or receptacle that absorbs energies near or around you that are not your own and don’t belong in your space.
A Protection Rose can also serve as a ‘hello’ of sorts. For example, during my day when the thought of my Protection Rose comes to me, it is a clue to be aware. In these moments, I ground myself, make a conscious choice to become present in the moment (and not distracted by my thinking mind) and become more in tune to the events and occurrences around me. My Protection Rose is giving me a gentle reminder to be mindful of healthy energy boundaries coming in and/or going outward.
Take a Moment to Connect
To help you imagine a rose more clearly in your mind’s eye, first find a beautiful rose and study the details of it. See the green of the stem and the leaves, the texture of the petals. Smell it, feel it, and even taste it if you feel drawn to. Is there perhaps a little caterpillar or ladybug on it? Look at the rose and then close your eyes, and see it again in your mind’s eye.
The most important thing in creating you rose is its vibrancy—how alive it is and how detailed the image is. While it’s an image you are creating in your mind’s eye, it is a real and absolute symbol of true, raw energy, and this is powerful. Just because it’s an image in our mind doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Your logical left brain may not think so, but the Universe makes no distinction between thought and physical reality. The universe thinks there’s a rose there, right out in front of you, protecting you or doing whatever job you decided it will do. The Universe will honor the intention you set for that rose. The only thing stopping that is you and reality based notions that tangible can be the only reality or proof. As you intuitive ability grows you will begin to understand and trust this concept more and more.
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