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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 7

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 7

Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 7 by Michelle Beltran

Signs from Your Loved Ones Today’s Challenge:

After reading through the below information, think back to experiences or events when you were in tune with your psychic, intuitive and mediumship abilities and had a direct connection with Spirit World. Then, share your experiences with all of us in the discussion forum!

___________ You don’t have to be a psychic medium to receive messages from spirit or loved ones who have passed over to the Other Side. We all receive signs and symbols from our loved ones on a regular basis and they come in many ways. It’s purely a matter of opening the door and listening to those messages when they arrive and then saying “Thank you!”

You may also enjoy listening to the audio version of today’s material here:

See Also
Darity Wesley


One of the easiest ways spirit can come to us is through electricity. It acts as a conductor for them. When lights flicker, computers and televisions randomly shut off and on, light bulbs burst, or even when fire alarms go off for no apparent reason, be sure to recognize the moment and ask yourself which of your loved ones might be trying to reach you. Telephones can be manipulated very easily by spirit as well. Did you leave the phone number of a loved one in your cell after they passed? Did their phone number ring you and there was nothing on the other end? That was quite possibly your loved one.

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