Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 8
However, this person is not necessarily always a good match for you; the similarity is so immense that it makes for a chaotic relationship because you’re too alike. In addition, they generally reflect everything about yourself that you don’t like. To be compatible with this person, each must be very comfortable and at peace with their own higher self.
2. Companion – also known as “Kindred Spirit” or “Teacher Soul Mate”, who comes into your life for a particular reason and duration
They may be friends, teachers or mentors who have presented at particularly challenging times in your life and/or at a time when you may pursuing a very important goal. These soul mates are voices of encouragement and support. This soul mate could even be the person who appears briefly to help when your car breaks down, or that person who magically appears at just the right time to help you in moments of greatest need throughout your life.
3. Twin Souls – people with whom we share a close friendship and feel very comfortable and relaxed with
You have many prior lives with this person, and you will likely live many again with them. This soul mate connection is quite similar to the Companion Soul Mate, however the difference is the bond is stronger and longer. This relationship is often a close friend or family member. There is often a highly spiritual or even telepathic connection with this person, and you may at times feel you don’t even need to use words to communicate. You might also find that your life experiences parallel one another.
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