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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 8

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 8

How Do You Find Your Soul Mate?

Here are a few exercises you can do to invite your soul mate into your life:

1. Meditation

When you meditate, set the intention of the desire to meet your soul mate – ensuring that you state this specific intention out loud as a means of releasing it to the Universe. Learn to be aware of any signs, symbols and messages that manifest. They may come in your dreams, through your meditation, or when you least expect it.


2. Count your blessings

You cannot manifest anything into reality from a place of lack, sadness or giving attention to what is missing from your life. So, make lists each day of all the things you love, every thing from the warm socks on your feet, to your health and well-being.

3. Imagine your soul mate is present in your life now

See Also

For example, see yourself laughing at the dinner table with this person, traveling together or taking a walk. Say out loud, “I am in a deep-seated, loving relationship with a uniquely wonderful person. I am so happy.”

Whatever the right words are to you, say them. Then, recognize how it makes you feel as you imagine this and say the words you have chosen. Does it bring tears of joy? Chills of excitement? Wonderful! This is where the power lies – it is in how you feel and the intention you release to the Universe.

The Universe does not know the difference between thought and reality, so this exercise of seeing your soul mate in your life as if it were reality is incredibly powerful.

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