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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 9

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 9

4.            Create a Reading Screen

Let’s start with your clairvoyance ability. The Reading Screen is your viewing receptacle. It is where will receive images and pictures through which spirit may communicate. Using your mind’s eye, imagine a large movie screen out in front of you. Give it a grounding cord and secure it to the center of the earth. Now, ask your question. Or, ask for a message from spirit. Don’t demand, just ask. Let the answer come. Did you get black? Great! Black is a color. The first image that comes will be your answer, be it symbolic or literal.

5.            Use Your Clair Abilities

Connecting with the Spirit World requires the use of all of your senses: taste, touch, smell, hear, and see. We have what is known as Clair abilities. This involves is taking our physical senses to a higher spiritual level. I call this ‘heightened sensing’. We have 7 Clair abilities:


Clairvoyance – Clear seeing

Claircognizance – Clear knowing

Clairauditory – Clear hearing

Clairgustance – Clear tasting

Clairolfactory – Clear smelling

Clairsentience – Clear feeling

Clairkinesthesia – Clear touching

See Also


I highly encourage seeking out of specific meditations to assist you in opening these abilities.  This will be the doorway through which your connection with spirit becomes stronger.

A tip to open your clairvoyance ability:

1. Put your finger between your eyes on the bridge of your nose then push up slightly toward the center of your forehead.

2. Take a deep breath.

3. Imagine an eye opening wide here. This is where your third eye is located. See the details of this eye. Is it round or almond shaped? Are the lashes long or short? Is there color?

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