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C.S. Bromley – Running Down the Path to OM

C.S. Bromley – Running Down the Path to OM


At times I’d love to walk into a gym, find the public announcement microphone and start a lecture about the importance of balancing the Chakras, or walk into my Ashram and tell everyone to get down and give me 20. But that just wouldn’t fly, so if I really want to help I need to focus on connecting with each person, living what I believe, leading by example, understanding, having patience, and being accepting and willing to meet everyone where they are currently at.

OM Times:  Can you give us an example of how you have used your metaphysical and spiritual knowledge in your own life?

Cee:  I’ve always been very sensitive to energies, and my own thoughts and actions are no different. They are energy like everything else.

Dis-ease is a manifestation of something not being in harmony within you.

See Also
David Arquette_Jeff Vespa-Contour by Getty Images

I believe all these internal struggles caused me to become sick once again. I remember one night I thought was going to be my last. I had the worst headache, and full body convulsions, fever, chills, I even called a Babalawo for a blessing that night. I didn’t recover for nearly 5 months. I was diagnosed with ME, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I was told there was only a 5% cure rate and that many patients end up in wheelchairs, never go back to work, and are even bedridden. I was devastated. I could barely get out of bed, I became depressed.

Then the AHA moment…God only gives us what he knows we can handle.

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