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Conscious TV Week of 01 July 2013

Conscious TV Week of 01 July 2013


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What Are They Trying to Hide?

Premiers Monday, 1 July, 7:00 PM ET – After the dramatic encounters with UFOs in a post WWII world, the ETs attempted contact with the US government, again. This time an agreement was made for advanced technology that came with a hefty price for humanity. Plus, NASA has produced many photos of some very amazing things, including things you were not meant to see. David Wilcock reveals details of the Tau-9 Treaty and what it means for all of us as well as revealing some photographic evidence that NASA tried to hide.


Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis

Premiers Tuesday, 2 July, 7:00 PM ET – Hailed as the spiritual and technological pinnacle of human history, the rise and fall of Atlantis was filled with political intrigue and cultural drama. While legends report that Atlantis is gone, Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, offers hope that their crystal technology is not forever lost. Historian, Historian, Raymond Tarpey offers insights to Edgar Cayce’s readings on the lost civilization of Atlantis and where its people and secrets are today.


Beyond GMOs

Premiers Wednesday, 3 July, 7:00 PM ET – It is getting increasingly difficult to find food free from toxins and GMOs. It is even harder to ward off the unwanted effects of these hidden chemicals. In this revealing interview Anthony Gucciardi takes on the deception of the food and drug industries and explains how we can clear invasive toxins from our bodies.


The Neuroscience of Success

Premiers Thursday, 4 July, 7:00 PM ET – Can mastering your own brain make you rich? According to John Assaraf, it can. In his interview with host Lisa Garr, Assaraf asserts that you already know the things you should be doing to make more money — you’re just not doing them. It all comes down to the power your conditioned mind has over you, and how you can reprogram your brain for success.


Your Soul Contract

Premiers Friday, 5 July, 7:00 PM ET – You have the power to reach through the veil, beyond the basic five senses, to discover your life’s purpose and the agreements you made before being born. Dr. Lauren Cielo offers simple techniques that awaken your psychic abilities so you can discover your soul contracts and make positive changes.

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