Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 14

Daily Oracle Guidance Day 14
June 14th
Power – The energies and directions for today are evolving around taking a look at what gives your power its charge, positive or negative…read on…
This Oracle portends a significant leap in your development. It is the profound learning of becoming responsible for your power.
Many people are so determined to avoid the negative use of power, they refuse to let their power out at all. They stay in the background lamenting the abuse of power by others or being a victim of power.
In reading this Oracle today, your higher wisdom is telling you that your power to generate a life-enhancing vision is expanding! Do not let the challenges of life interfere with your good feelings or your belief in yourself. Your power holds steady at all times and you can tap it and change and transmute whatever negative feelings a situation or person brings out in you. Your power is subjugated when this happens and yet you can shift it, bring it around again and fast! Don’t let the turkeys get you down, life is way too short for that! You are being asked to remember that the highest power is that which creates love in all its forms.
Commit yourself to lead with LOVE and COMPASSION, especially with yourself, and then go for what you really want to contribute in life. It’s time!!!
Let your mantra be: I AM a powerful being generating and expanding a life-enhancing vision of myself and the world we live in…And So It Is!!!

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