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Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 19

Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 19

Darity Wesley

Daily Oracle Guidance Day 19

June 19th

Connecting At The Heart Level –   The energies and directions for today are evolving around your first baby steps into the new story of your life, who you are really and this Oracle is making sure you connect at the heart level…read on…

Now is a time to connect, in spirit, online or even face to face with other human beings.  I love so much my social networking sites where I can stay in touch with folks far and wide on a daily basis—briefly, usually, but it is a way of connection that 21st Century technology has provided us which will evolve for each and every one of us who participates.  I am involved in all of it and honor those who do not choose to do so as it is certainly a choice one must make.  Connecting at the heart level, transcends our traditional, usual, ideas about connection.

See Also

This Oracle is here to encourage you to practice “connectedness at the heart level” by flowing your love energy out through your heart chakra as you walk your path today.  How this is expressed is first by escaping the mind, then by being present in the here and now, then having an open, friendly attitude as you go along your way.  Smile! Look at people, trees, rocks, dirt, animals, all of it! Get out of your mind – look out there in the world.

Let your mantra for today be:  I AM connecting at the heart level with all living things on my journey through this life…And So It Is!!!

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