Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 22

Daily Oracle Guidance Day 22
Emergence – The energies and directions for today are evolving around emergence…the act of emerging…like the butterfly, eh? Paying attention to how to live consciously is bringing you more and more perspectives. That part of you that knows that a new life is emerging within you slowly but surely now is taking notice…read on…
Opening to the directions you intuitively perceive as right for you is part of emergence and surrender. You are growing, changing, developing spiritually; you can feel it, you “know” it. Many are in chaos in these changing times. But what do you do with all this? Emerge. It is the key, at this time, an energy to focus on!
Maybe you have been holding back not knowing what to do or where to go or what to do with this person or that situation or even what the heck all this means. What you are doing here, participating in the Challenge, is helping you touch your inner realms and explore how to bring your spirit out into the physical reality. How to BE it. It is important to understand that the inner universe is as infinite as the outer universe and as you spiritually emerge, bringing expression of that inner universe you will find yourself more open with your feelings, more open with your thoughts, more open to being your authentic self…you can feel this!
Let your mantra for today be: I AM relinquishing the illusion of control and emerging from my cocoon into the light with eyes wide open…And So It Is!!!

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