Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 25

Daily Oracle Guidance Day 25
Passion – The energies and directions for today are evolving around tapping into or even finding your passionate expression…Read on…
This Oracle is here to suggest that your fortune lies where your passion is. Passionate living is one of the keys to living a healthy, happy, fulfilled life. If you pay attention to what inspires you, what stirs your emotions, what really turns you on, you will find where your genius is.
It is really all about following the beat of your heart. In order to tap into your passion, now is the time to abandon your reservations, be vulnerable, don’t think about it, add some spontaneity to it all. Just take the risk and allow your passions to come to the top. Act! Live! Love! Enjoy! Who cares what others think? Have the courage to be your passionate self!!!
Let your mantra be: I AM turned on, thrilled, excited and stimulated cause it’s all so good…And So It Is!!!
Love from the Lotus World<333,
Note: This Oracle is from the Spirit of Darity © 2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved

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