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Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 30

Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 30

Darity Wesley

Daily Oracle Guidance Day 30

Harmony – As we close our Oracle of the Day for the 30 Day Conscious Living Challenge, the energies and directions send you on your way with a direction to be sure to keep an eye on how everything fits together.  See the perfection and order in all of life as you walk your path…and do, Read on…

Pay attention to keeping yourself in perfect harmony with what is happening around you.  Let your spirit orchestrate this harmony.  Just stay in the flow with it as things come up, pass by and something new comes up!  How you respond, as opposed to react, will support keeping the drama at bay and the harmony flowing more and more.

Harmonizing is really playing with the creativity of the Universe.  Just let things play out remaining in harmony within your heart, listening to your self, going within to get your counsel.  See the uniqueness of others and recognize how you can harmonize with the world and with others to create real beauty today.  Know and let go of your competitive ego…it may not be in harmony with what is happening…

See Also

Please know I love and support you every step of the way and if you enjoyed your Oracle of the Day, please feel free to sign up for ~The Daily Oracle™~ by sending me an email to and just put “Subscribe” in the subject line.  And check out the free offer here on the 30 Day Conscious Living Challenge for the eBook:  27Flavors of Fulfillment: How to Live a Fulfilling Life! – I have written a chapter in that book entitled “How to Live a Fulfilling Life: Discovering and Expressing Your True Authentic Self!  Namaste…

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