Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 7

Daily Oracle Guidance Day 7
June 7th
Unconditional Love – The energies and directions for today are evolving around spending some time in contemplation of unconditional love…read on…
Unconditional love is defined as affection with no limits or conditions and while this is certainly something the world needs now, it begins with you! It is a spiritual practice to include within your meditations and is brought to your attention at this time for you to consider from your heart’s knowingness! Unconditional love must start within yourself. So, if you have not considered it, now is the time to realize that who you are is not dependent on what you do, where you were born, how much money you have, how your kids are doing or what others think of you. You begin to generate unconditional love for yourself when you realize you are part of All That Is…not separate from it. It is you and you are it! You are part of the tapestry!
Let your mantra for today be: I AM reaching a deeper sense of my wholeness…And So It Is!!!
Note: This Oracle is from the Spirit of Darity (c) 2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved

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