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Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 9

Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 9

Darity Wesley

Daily Oracle Guidance Day 9

June 9th

Reformation –   The energies and directions are now evolving around reformation as it is time for you  to think upon reforming your actions and your moral behavior…read on…

In any consciousness challenge when you are looking for new ways of seeing the old world, reformation, the act of reforming , is an important component along the way and today is the day for you to take a look around you and at you and see whether you are just taking the information in with your head and not really spending some deep time and moving it to the heart level to see how it really fits into your life and how you can reform thought patterns, old ways of being and even old, worn out relationships.  Take a look see if you are really making some changes for yourself.  Now, is really a good time for that!

Let your mantra for today be:  I AM open to reforming who I AM…And So It Is!!!

See Also

Love from the Lotus World <333,


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