Develop Your Personal Intuition
By Lois Cheney
Why concern yourself with working to find and use your intuition? Focusing on and acquainting yourself with your “sixth sense” can bring benefits every day in big issues and small. Intuition is a gift we all have and can decide to heighten through our intention and attention.
Most of us have experienced flashes of insight from time to time. Perhaps we simply knew who was calling when the phone rang. Maybe we received the impression that we needed to place a phone call to a friend or relative who needed some cheering. The emotion of their difficulty arrived within us without benefit of letter or phone call to us.
Those of us who have raised youngsters have many times known what was troubling them or needed “fixing” long before any words were exchanged. We just knew. Our intuition told us.
Relationships of any kind seem to bring out either the best or the worst in us but what better place to practice your intuitive skills? Saving frayed nerves and general emotional upset by understanding the problem from the other person’s point of view before speaking would be worth the extra time spent mentally investigating.
The interesting thing is the more attention you place on your correct insights, in essence congratulating yourself for paying attention and taking action, the more correct insights you will have!
Any time you have a concern about going ahead with a plan or course of action, business or personal, being able to discern the probable outcome or establish better alternatives through “extra sensory” discovery is a definite plus. It can keep you from unnecessary side-tracks and detours.
The subjects you may choose to intuit are quite unlimited. For instance suppose you have been attempting to choose a new health care provider. You now have narrowed the field to two candidates. They both seem well qualified and come with trustworthy recommendations. What to do? Simply get quiet. Ask yourself who would be the best choice for me and my health issues? Many times your intuitive self can see some underlying qualities of the doctors that consciously you may have no knowledge of. Receiving more of the facts, your choice will be both easier and better.
As simple a thing as feeling that you ought to take a different route home rather than the usual freeway, can avoid needless traffic jams or accidents. As you begin to trust your extra sensory self, you will find life moves more smoothly.
I can remember many years ago in my early days as a real estate agent selling homes, I had an advantage whenever I would pay close attention to my feelings concerning a client. In other words, I would look at the list of their desires for a home and know intuitively whether what they were asking for was the kind of home they would purchase.
Upon sensing potential buyers unspoken desires, occasionally I would realize I needed to show them a different kind or location of house than what they requested in order to satisfy them. Also it helped me to realize who was a genuinely motivated buyer and who, in all probability, would look virtually forever and never buy. Need I say it saved me many wasted futile hours of driving here and there?
Where does our intuition come from? Where is its home base? Intuition is part of our subconscious gifts many times amplified by our personal guides and teachers. Because that is true we can make the best, most accurate and concise use of it by becoming quiet and contemplative when faced with choices. Some people spend a few minutes a day by themselves in meditation. Others figuratively may simply step out of the bustle of the day removing themselves into the quiet of their own minds just to think. Whatever allows us to hear the still small voice inside of us will bring answers.
Fortunately “tuning in” can be done absolutely anywhere, anytime. As long as you can simply decide to “hear” your inner self for a minute or two, it can be done in the middle of the noisiest surroundings you can imagine. The next time you are at a ball game or standing by the bus stop, give it a try. See what you might be telling yourself that can be of use today or tomorrow!
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Reverend Lois Cheney

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