Exploring Your Extraordinary Life – Day 16

Exploring Your Extraordinary Life Day 16
Five Steps (Plus One) for Living Your Extraordinary Life:
Now we get to have even MORE fun! Ready? I teach a course (in a myriad of formats) to help people with concrete steps. I love something concrete, something I can DO. Well, here it is for you! Ready?
Let’s begin with the “Plus One” step. This is a “Plus One” because…well, I think you will get it as we go along.
Plus One: Feel Good! Awaken to YOUR Joy
This step is so simplistic that we not only dismiss it, we usually overlook it entirely. But think about it, when you feel good you make better decisions. (There is a reason that runs more deeply than you think — download my ebook gift for today and find out!)
For now, let’s look at it at the most simplistic level, how nutritious is your snack when you are tired, exhausted and stressed? Then, how nutritious is your snack when you are well-rested? When you feel good, you have more energy to make great decisions. Now look at the bigger picture, if you have just spent an amazing evening with your best friend, laughing and filling yourself up, are you more likely to take an action step toward living your dream? YES!! (I actually published a book on my experience helping myself feel good – and not the ebook I am giving you, another one. Yes, I take this seriously!) We have a myriad of unconscious ways we sabotage feeling good for ourselves from what we watch on tv, the people we hang out with, to the food we eat. AND then what can you do to feel good? Such as communicate from your heart, practice gratitude, spend time with those who inspire us. This is POWERFUL work! When you feel good you do much better in life!

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality