Exploring Your Extraordinary Life – Day 17

Exploring Your Extraordinary Life Day 17
So, the reason “Just Feel Good” is a the Plus One step is because it is not a distinct action. It is just to help us be in a better space to take the actions you are now going to explore…
Step One: Know what you want
Do you know what you want? Really? The first question my clients must answer before we even begin coaching is “What do you really, really, really want?” The response is almost always one of two answers: 1. A long pause, followed by an “I don’t know”. Or 2. “I’ll tell you what I want, I don’t want my job, I don’t want my house, I don’t want to feel the way I do.” In either of these situations we don’t know where we are headed, we are simply focused on getting away from something we don’t want. BUT when you know what you want, it is easier to take action. It is always easier and more inspiring and fun to move toward something you want rather than away from something you don’t want. It is far easier to start exercising when you are doing it to feel vibrant and energetic than to keep you from getting fat. So, now it is YOUR turn!
Workbook: What do you really, really, really want? Go on, dream! Let it all hang out. No one is listening. Let what is in your heart of hearts come out…
BIO: Experienced Yoga Educator, Author, and inspiring Life Coach, Laura Erdman-Luntz has over 20 years experience inspiring people to live their Extraordinary Lives. She uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs, classes and workshops that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life. She has published three books, numerous e-books, & developed several e-courses in which she incorporates New Thought ideas on positive living, manifesting and changing subconscious beliefs.

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