Exploring Your Extraordinary Life – Day 23

Exploring Your Extraordinary Life Day 23
So, now that I have you inspired around your Extraordinary Life, around living a life that really gets you excited, AND you have more detail around what that is in all the areas of your life, let’s talk steps to get there.
Over the next six days, we are going to explore the Five Steps (Plus One) for Living Your Extraordinary Life, a program I teach to my clients in a variety of ways. This course is a powerful tool for taking you into your Extraordinary Life, to help you truly embrace this amazing thing we call life. What makes it even more powerful is I use yoga, a mixture of poses, breathing, and visualizations, for each of the steps. That helps us bring the learning, the changes we want to make, to all levels of our being. (I will explain more as we go along.) I will share a taster for all of you here!
Are you ready?
We are going to begin with the “Plus One” step. I have this as a “Plus One” rather than its own step because it isn’t a true step, it is a feeling. It is:
Feel Good! Awaken to YOUR Joy
This one is so simplistic that we not only dismiss it, we usually overlook it entirely. Let’s look at it at the most simplistic level, how nutritious is your snack when you are tired, exhausted and stressed? How nutritious is your snack when you are well-rested? When you feel good, you have more energy to make great decisions. Now look at the bigger picture, if you have just spent an amazing evening with your best friend, laughing and filling yourself up, are you more likely to take an action step toward living your dream? YES!!
I actually wrote a book (Awaken to Joy) about Feeling Good! It looks at all the unconscious ways we sabotage feeling good for ourselves from what we watch on television, the people we hang out with, the food we eat. AND then what can you do to feel good? Such as communicate from your heart, practice gratitude, spend time with those who inspire us. This is POWERFUL work! When you feel good you do much better in life!
Workbook: What are three things you can do every day for the sole purpose of feeling good? (Oh, and check the workbook — there’s an inspiration for you AND a gift!)
BIO: Experienced Yoga Educator, Author, and inspiring Life Coach, Laura Erdman-Luntz has over 20 years experience inspiring people to live their Extraordinary Lives. She uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs, classes and workshops that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life. She has published three books, numerous e-books, & developed several e-courses in which she incorporates New Thought ideas on positive living, manifesting and changing subconscious beliefs.
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