Exploring Your Extraordinary Life – Day 27

Exploring Your Extraordinary Life Day 27
Step Four:
Surrender and have faith
There is an element of trust you need to have as well. Without trust, we live in fear of not doing enough and working ourselves and worrying ourselves too hard. Faith is knowing it will happen (see Step Two). Do you truly have faith in your dream?
In the full course, in this step, we also look at letting go and receiving. We need to be able to let go of our old way of being, our old patterns and stories, in order to move into your dream. You also need to feel worthy of receiving all that you desire. In general, most of us don’t receive well — think of how graciously you receive a compliment or a gift without one to reciprocate. Again, we can use our yoga practice and some fabulous visualizations to help with these steps.
Question: Do you really believe what you want is possible? That you deserve it? If not, what is your limiting belief you are telling yourself?
- “My real role in life is to suit up and show up and then turn the results over to God.” -Unknownhttp://muselan.typepad.com/muselan/2011/03/monday-morning-musing-su…
BIO: Experienced Yoga Educator, Author, and inspiring Life Coach, Laura Erdman-Luntz has over 20 years experience inspiring people to live their Extraordinary Lives. She uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs, classes and workshops that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life. She has published three books, numerous e-books, & developed several e-courses in which she incorporates New Thought ideas on positive living, manifesting and changing subconscious beliefs.

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