Exploring Your Extraordinary Life – Day 7

Exploring Your Extraordinary Life Day 7
By Laura Erdman-Luntz
#3: Living an Extraordinary Life means knowing our values and knowing what we need to do to live them fully.
Do you know your values? The values I am referring to here are your core values, those qualities that make you uniquely you. Chances are you know what you value, such as family, friends, love in our lives, but that is what we value, not our own core values. They don’t make you uniquely you.
Let me share a personal example. I adore my family. I have a wonderful husband and two fabulous kids. If I had never been married, I would still be Laura. I would be Laura Erdman rather than Laura Erdman-Luntz, but I would still be Laura.
My main core value is to inspire. Whether it is others or me I am inspiring, it is what makes me, well, me! It would take a chunk of who I am out of me if that wasn’t there. I would not be Laura. You need your values in place and functioning to be fully yourself.
So, how do you figure out your values? First, think about what activities make you lose track of time. You get so involved, you forget all that is around you. Chances are there is a value that is connected.
You can also think about what you played as a child or what you wanted to be when you grew up. We are usually more connected to our values when we are children. I wanted to be a spy. Actually, to be clear, I wanted to be James Bond. When I thought about why that was and what value was attached to that desire, I realized it was not a license to kill. It was all the travel James Bond did, all the fabulous places he visited. I love adventure. I wanted to explore other cultures. As a Yoga Teacher and Life Coach, it was easy to begin to add adventure. I now lead inspiring yoga retreats all around the world. Last year alone I travelled to Mexico two times, Costa Rica, and Italy.

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