Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 10

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out? Day 10
By Victoria Pendragon
The bagua, as you follow it around, mirrors many different cycles, among them, the passage of the moon through the sky, the seasons, and life itself. The Life Path area represents time out of time in the cycle of life, while the area of Inspiration/Connection is similar to conception and fetal growth. In the life of a tree, as in human life, this phase of development takes place unseen; the first real clue we have that something is growing are a few green leaves pushing through the earth. This tree energy is the energy of the Body / Well-being portion of the bagua, that insistence on being, on growing, on living no matter what the circumstances. It is pure life force.
It has often been noted in metaphysical circles that of all living things, the energetic configuration of the tree is closest to the energetic configuration of humans. Although our energetic roots are invisible, we do have them; the root chakra is what connects us to the earth. Like the trees we stand erect and like the trees, our energetic crown – the crown chakra which opens up at the top of the head – connects us to All That Is. Like the trees, too, our nourishment is derived from above and below, and is processed in between. It is no wonder, then, that the element of Wood – tree energy – is connected to this area of the bagua.

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