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Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 12

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 12

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out? Day 12

By Victoria Pendragon

There’s a colloquial saying: if you have your health, you have everything, yet few people seem to value that advice to the degree that would be wise, ignoring the inborn wisdom of their bodies to instead  drive themselves relentlessly in pursuit of either money or thrills when, logically, without a healthy body you can truly enjoy neither.

Fact is, most of us have been trained from childhood to ignore our body’s voices. What we are trained to do is to be obedient, to follow directions, to do what we are told to do. Every body is different, our internal chemistries vary. At a temperature of 68° you will see adults attired in everything from tank tops to coats yet parents inevitably – and with best intention – dress their children either to match their own responses to the weather or to match the internal programming on appropriate clothing that they received from their parents when they were young. Either way, the child’s needs are usually ignored.

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A child will run out gaily into clement weather wearing the clothes on its back only to be dragged back in and told to “put something on.” Thus do we learn to ignore our own thermostats. The same thing happens with food. “Eat that, it’s good for you.” “Finish what’s on your plate.” “There are children starving in (currently featured third world country).” So it’s really small wonder that most people glean what become their ideas on health maintenance from magazines, doctors and other health care professionals when everyone’s best authority on the general upkeep of their bodies is the bodies themselves.

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