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Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 15

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 15

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out? Day 15

By Victoria Pendragon

Finances 2

While money is important, it is often said that it “can’t buy happiness,” except that it kind of can. Scientific studies have shown that those who struggle to make a living are significantly less happy than those who don’t. But it’s also been shown that beyond the point of having a little extra for some little extras and knowing that you’ll have something to depend on come retirement time, the happiness quotient  doesn’t rise at all. Happiness (and is this really a surprise?) is more about having a fulfilling life than it is about having a boatload of money.

See Also

Earlier I spoke about the relationship between one’s mother and one’s finances. Just in case that little piece of information slipped past you, I’ll mention it again. If your mother was absent – either emotionally or physically – especially from your first four years – there is some chance that your finances can become an issue because mother = support and if your body did not experience support in those crucial, neural connection building years, then no-support may become your body’s normal, it’s default, creating a life of not-making-it or just-barely-making-it.

Likewise, if your parents were struggling with money while your mother was carrying you or during your childhood, your body would absorb the information that life is about financial struggle. Bodies can go in one of two directions when they have information like that…or sometimes, more confusingly, both. They can be driven to make sure that such a thing never happens to them, sometimes working themselves right into an early grave or alienating themselves from potential friends because of their obsessive devotion to their work, or they can re-create a similar scenario, unconsciously crafting a life in the same unfortunate mold as their parents. Alternately, they may find themselves veering between the two extremes, seemingly without any control at all over their fortune.

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