Feng Shui from the Inside Out? – Day 2

Feng Shui from the Inside Out? Day 2
By Victoria Pendragon
Feng Shui, literally translated as Wind Water, is a poetic term for the energy of any environment, inside or out. The earth is alive with energy, an energy that is inescapable and exceedingly obvious in places where volcanic activity is active or where earthquakes happen frequently. Less obvious in places where nature’s dirt and rocks have been paved over or neatly re-framed into housing plots or farms, the earth’s energy is ever-present and equally unavoidable in the form of winds, waters and electro-magnetic flows both around and within the earth. These various flows are the most dramatic influencers of Feng Shui, hence its name.
There are other energetic sources that affect earth Feng Shui as well. The sun, the moon and the stars are the most common of these and can dramatically affect both internal and external Feng Shui. Think for a moment about the ways in which a temperate sunny day affects people or how most people respond to a week of non-stop clouds and rain. Less visually obvious but every bit as profound in its effect are solar flares. We can’t see them with the naked eye, yet they wreak havoc with all of our electronic communication devices, generously adding to the frustration levels of helpless users, creating a compromise to the Feng Shui of the spaces in which those people reside or work.
Have you ever been in a room where ‘the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife’? That is external Feng Shui generated by people themselves and a good example of how we affect the spaces we inhabit. There are spaces between the cells of everything; nothing is truly solid. We may perceive things as solid because the cells are so densely packed together but everything is, essentially, plasma. That means that when someone emotes – sends an emotion out into the space that surrounds them – which we do unintentionally all the time, even if we never open our mouths – that emotion, that feeling vibration, is absorbed by the surrounding ‘things,’ and it adds to the hidden Feng Shui of the space.

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