Feng Shui from the Inside Out? – Day 2

The point is, we matter. So much of Feng Shui – wind, water, sun, electromagnetic energy – is out of our hands – that merely rearranging the top of your bureau isn’t going to make a huge difference in your life but transforming yourself into the person who goes with the energetic flow, the person who is unaffected by the vagaries of GPS function in a solar storm or by being stuck in traffic for two hours will indeed transform your life, allowing you to become a very living example of good Feng Shui. Once that happens, what occurs on the top of your bureau may affect your life in unexpected and delightful ways.
We’ll approach your spaces from an energetic standpoint, a bagua standpoint, (more on that later), a directional standpoint and a psychological standpoint, allowing you to be just as thorough as you want to be with the transformation of your external space. Information on internal and external Feng Shui will alternate and intertwine, just as it does in real life.
Good Feng Shui starts at home, inside you. The changes you make in your space will support the changes you make inside but they can’t make them happen. Only you can do that. So each days offering will be concluded by a Sleep Magic assignment to help you on your way. All you need to do is read the assignment because your body remembers everything you have ever seen, heard, touched, tasted, smelled, read, felt and it will easily recall these respectful, humble requests, design to make its life, as well as yours, easier.

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