Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 20
In the times of very traditional, old-school Feng Shui, art was a far more literal thing than we know it to be today. And even two decades ago in the US, most Feng Shui teachers shied away from using abstract works to enliven the energy of a given area of the home but for me, for this area, an area that speaks, for those in their twenties and thirties and forties, to a time in life that may actually be unimaginable to them, abstract works of art offer something that more literal images cannot, they offer something that is very much in keeping with the energies of the gods that were associated with this area, a space where imagination can play…and imagination may be the most god-like human attribute there is.
I have brought up numerous times the idea of using metaphorical images to mirror the ways in which you see yourself in the world…but why limit yourself to what you know where your so-called future is involved? The free play of color in abstract works summons up feelings from the body. This is not a baseless statement; there are entire books written about the effect of color on the human body, Faber-Birren’s being among the most respected.
What colors make you feel happy? Content? Peaceful? How would you like to feel as you move into the fullness of your being? What would your future look like in terms of color?
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