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Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 21

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 21

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out? Day 21

Recreation / Rejuvenation 2

Linear time, as we know it, does not actually exist and, while it is a convenient device for ensuring that we all show up the party at the same time, not ruining the surprise planned for a half an hour later, it does tend to skew what we think is reality. But what does that have to do with Relaxation and Rejuvenation?


See Also

In R&R I, yesterday, I suggested that you regard this area of the bagua as “the future.” I used that term, ‘future,’ because it’s very difficult for most people to wrap their heads around the idea that there isn’t really any future…no past either. Time is an aspect of something called the Time Space Continuum, of which you have no doubt heard or read. When ancient sages first posited the concept of living in the Now Moment they may have known a whole lot more than we thought they knew, because the Now Moment is IT, the Now Moment is all there is, it’s actually, really, all there is.

And we kind of know this. The “Inner Child” that psychologists have been going on about for decade is really there, except it’s not so much ‘inner’ as co-existent. The You that you see in the mirror every morning is just what your consciousness happens to be focusing on in the Now Moment. Also existing, also in Now Moments, is every other moment of your life…and depending on how you view energy, all your lives. We are, after all, multi-dimensional beings, since energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

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