Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 24

Think about walking through your space and making a list of the things that need to be done. Then get out a calendar and schedule them. There’s no rush, just knowing that you’ve made the commitment – as long as you actually follow through! – will make a difference to your state of being and your state of mind.
Let’s do this assignment tonight. This is one of those assignments that you can do every few weeks for general upkeep and it will work better and better every time you do it.
Dearest beloved Body, thank you for all the work you did for me today. I am so grateful for breathing and for my blood circulating, for digesting food, processing it and casting off what we do not need.
As I read this I allow myself to become aware of my breath, of how my muscles are feeling, if I feel limited anywhere in our body or if I feel any pain or discomfort.
Now, I imagine myself getting into bed tonight, getting as comfortable as I can be, feeling myself beginning to relax, knowing that you, my wonderfully hard working body, will be processing this request for us as we sleep.
I know that you know who I am, because in so many ways, you are who I am. I want to feel a closer connection with your needs and desires so that we can both function in a way that is healthier and more satisfying so I give you permission to release, to the degree that it is comfortable for you, anything that might impede an instantaneous communication between us, expanding the seeds for that now existing within us.

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