Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 28

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out? Day 28
Combined Baguas
When we first got acquainted with the bagua map I mentioned that in many rooms you might well be placing the bagua in two different directions. Let’s explore that today because those rooms where a double placement is most likely are some of the most used rooms in your house.
Just to refresh your memory, the first placement of the bagua will always be with the Life Path area lined up on the center of the entry wall to the room. The Life Path area will always be the center of that wall so the door to the room might fall in either the Resources or Connection areas as well. All three areas have a place on that wall.
The second bagua placement will be wherever someone – let’s say it’s you – is spending large blocks of time. So let’s imagine that it’s your bedroom.
The larger, outside bagua represents the layout of the room itself while the small, angled bagua within represents the placement of the bed in the room. The room of course, is not octagonal, but rectangular.
The Point of Consciousness (aka Life Path) – the head of the bed – falls approximately in the middle of the left wall of the room giving it the double influence of Life Path and Health & Well-being, which feels like a good place for a bed to be since a good night’s sleep is so much a part of good health. A beautiful, lush landscape would harmonize both with the wood element of the Well-being area and with the Water element of the Life Path/Point of Consciousness area. Lush growth is always an apt metaphor for health and well-being.
The area just to the left of the Entry door to the space is a combination of the Resources area and the Inspiration/Connection area. As mentioned before, both areas relate to support so the combination is natural and easy and a likely spot for pictures of the person or people who share the room, a power animal, or possibly a mountain, which would resonate with the earth element of Connection area as well as the metaphorical and geographical connection between mountains and wisdom (Resources).
Directly across from that, on the opposite side of the bed, the combined areas in that corner of the room are Inspiration/Connection and Finances. Here, the combination of elemental energies are earth and wood which are not considered to be compatible, however an image of a growing tree, preferable blossoming or fruiting would show the potential for harmony between the elements while beautifully illustrating the concept of abundance.
Well-being and Recognition pair up in the center of the far wall. Because of the window – which also takes a bite out of the previously mentioned corner, this area is reduced in size so whatever is hung on the wall here should be on the small side yet , ideally, very visible. My suggestion would be a really excellent photograph of the person or the couple sharing the room, perfectly reflecting the energy of the Recognition area and hopefully showing them to be in superlative health.
As we continue moving clockwise around the room, we come to a dresser situated in an area that falls under the double purview of Relationships and Finance – a perfect combination if this is a couples room! Many phrases and metaphors likening a fulfilling relationship to a treasure come to mind, all of which could be brought to life in images or statuary. A ladies dresser in a Finance area is also a fabulous and fun place to have costume jewelry on display.
A single person, open to the idea of entertaining a relationship, needs to address in this area not the lack of said relationship, nor anything that would remind one of a relationship, but rather that persons relationship with him or herself. The relationship area in a single person’s bedroom is all about the relationship of that person to him or herself. Self-love – real appreciation for exactly what is – generates a beautiful and attractive vibration. You know who you are, celebrate that in the Relationship area, especially if that area is linked to the Finance area, bringing that corner of the room the opportunity to truly thrive.
Recognition and Recreation & Rejuvenation mark the center of the wall just opposite the bed. Here, too, a picture of the room’s occupant/s would be well placed as would any representations of fun to be had! Remember that the Recreation & Rejuvenation speaks to your future, so you can imagine too how you might like that to feel. Because this Recreation & Rejuvenation area is shared with Recognition, I’d avoid abstract art in this particular place. Recognition requires specifics!
The next corner we come to, to the right of the door, brings together Resources and Relationships, another nice combination. In a couple’s bedroom, this combination speaks of the potential for growing old together. There’s a dresser top here too. On it, childhood pictures would appropriately speak to the wisdom of your years. You have been learning since before you were born…and before you were four years old, you knew everything about what this life would bring you. Now you are here. Respect your journey and, if you are part of a couple, respect your journey together as well.
When we reach the middle of the Entry Wall, we’ve come full circle to the Life Path area which is colored by an internat Recreation & Rejuvenation area. Doorways allow the interior energy of the house to flow into the space. In a bedroom, in a Life Path area, that is quite enough to be going on. Just ensure that the door works well and can be locked securely.
If your bedroom happens to be laid out just this way, lucky you! Your work’s all done for you. If not, use a couple of transparent baguas and see what kinds of combinations you’re working with, then go back and review each section on the bagua. Remember, this combining of bagua energies can happen in any room where you may be stationary for some time. (Remember too that even though there’s been a lot of talk about wall-hanging art, things that sit on the floor fall into the areas too!)
Have fun!
Here’s an assignment designed to assist you in your learning process:
As I am reading this, I allow myself to feel gratitude to you, my wonderful body, for everything you do for me every day, breathing, circulating my blood and lymph, allowing the food I eat to nourish me, protecting me.
I notice how my body is feeling right now.
Now I picture myself asleep in bed tonight, knowing and understanding that you, my beloved body, will take over and put these words into action for me as I am sleeping, that I need to do nothing more than finish reading this.
Dear Body, I know that you know that we have taken in an awful lot of information in the past few weeks. This information matters to me and I would very much like to know it right down to my bones. So tonight I give you permission to release whatever seems right and appropriate to you to let go of so that might stand in the way of my really absorbing what I have learned.
Thank you, dear Body. You are my absolute best friend.

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