Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 29

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out? Day 29
Space Clearing
As I mentioned in the beginning of this challenge, your body is every bit as much an environment as the space in which you live, making you as much of an influence on the energy of your living space as your space is on you. Ideally, your body and your living space are sacred, by which I mean that they are private spaces, respected, treasured and protected.
But life can sometimes bring us unpleasant surprises…and sometimes it brings those surprises right to the door.
It’s time to talk about space clearing.
Actually, we’ve been addressing personal space clearing right along; that is what Sleep Magic is, space clearing for your internal environment. The more clear you are, the more easily your life unfolds around you. One part of Sleep Magic that we haven’t mentioned yet is the acute aspect of space clearing, the times when something happens that is truly disturbing, in the Now Moment, and you need to let go of whatever feelings have been generated so that they do not create new, unwanted emotional programming.
The ‘cure’ is quick and easy but there’s a twist because you’re going to want your body to let go, not only of the unwanted feeling but of whatever drew the incident to you that caused it, so that nothing like it will happen again.
Here’s the formula for Sleep Magic Rescue:
As I am reading this, I allow myself to feel gratitude for all the many ways that you, my dear body, help to keep us comfortable and functional.

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