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Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 29

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 29

I notice how you are feeling and I give you permission to relax as we are reading this allowing the words to sink deeply into the cellular consciousness of our body.

Now I picture myself asleep in bed tonight.

I know that you remember what happened today, how it made me feel (here, if you can name the specific feeling/s, it’s helpful). I know that you know too what lies behind our having attracted something like that to us.

So to the degree that it is comfortable for you, I give you permission to let go of that feeling (or those feelings) as well as whatever it is we are carrying that drew this situation to us.

You can fill the empty space its leaving may create by expanding the way I feel or felt (here, name a time when you were feeling something quite the opposite of what you had just experienced or simply a time when you felt peaceful ).

Thank you for helping me to feel like myself again.

See Also

Onward, to your exterior living space!

You know it happens sometimes: somebody shows up at your place and they’re carrying energy you wish they weren’t, they’re mean or they’re angry, so caught up in whatever toxic situation they’ve drawn to themselves that for some reason they just had to share and the next thing you know they’re ranting in your living room and when they leave, you can still feel it! You can feel that toxic energy hanging in the air, slowly but surely penetrating all your upholstered furniture, your drapes, even you. Help!

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