Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 5

To train your Ego Process to develop an External Observer you will need to be similarly consistent and equally insistent. You will need to teach yourself to take a moment every now and then to mentally step back, gather as much objectivity as possible, and assess what has just happened. Pure objectivity is, of course, impossible but since most of us have been raised to be aware of other people’s needs (sometimes too much so!) you can turn that skill on yourself, imagining that you are someone else or, conversely, that your External Observer is someone else that just happens to be living in your brain, a someone else who is totally without judgment and sees clearly the why of things.
Some people like to personalize their External Observers by imagining them as characters or creatures of some sort. One of my clients even went so far as to get his External Observer – a muppet-like creature as he described it to me – a girlfriend. Whatever it takes!
In the beginning, it may seem quite artificial, but just as the puppy incorporates its training, your External Observer will eventually become second nature. After seven years, when all of the existing cells in your body have caught on, the installation of your External Observer will be quite complete.
I can just hear you now…”Seven years! Seven years! What is she talking about, seven years? I thought this was all gonna be wrapped up tight in 30 days.” Well, what’s done in 30 days will be done in 30 days but the tools I am giving you are tools that can be used for the rest of your life and that will continue to serve you well because there is always better to get! If you are not improving yourself, you are going backwards. Feng Shui, remember, is about the flow in life and it is always changing, as are you. The bagua will serve you well as you shift and change the spaces around you to better support an ever evolving you as will Sleep Magic, allowing you, as it does, to continually refine yourself at deeper and deeper levels with little effort on your part because the more you do it, the more it becomes a natural part of your life…and the more your life becomes a treasure.

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