Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 5

The following assignment is designed to assist you in laying a foundation for your own External Observer:
As I am reading this, I allow myself to feel gratitude for all the many ways you help to keep us comfortable and functional.
I notice how you are feeling and give you permission to relax as we read this, allowing these words to deeply penetrate your consciousness.
Now I picture myself asleep in bed tonight, knowing and understanding that you, my beloved body, will take over and put these words into action for me as I am sleeping, that I need to do nothing more than finish reading this.
I know that you know that I am working closely with you to raise our vibrational level and I know you know that being able to be more self -aware will greatly assist in this.
So I give you permission now to release whatever seems right and appropriate to you to let go of so that we may easily develop our own External Observer, expanding the self-awareness we already have.
I honor you for helping me to be the best me I can be.

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