Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 6
Teenagers are on a Life Path that is all their own. Their brains are awash in hormones as are their bodies and they have every reason to want to be left alone. Providing them with a home steeped in good energy, showing them support while exercising good common sense and consistency as far as house rules go is the best you can do for them and for the atmospheric Feng Shui of your home.
The Life Path area has traditionally been associated with the element of Water, which is why you often see aquariums, usually near the door, in Chinese restaurants. When translating the element of Water to your home you can do the same if you are so inclined, although please keep fish bowls out of the bedroom! The only living creatures – in an adult bedroom – should be the adults themselves. You can be more lax with this for children as their bedrooms are very much the only part of the world that they can lay claim to and they need to have some sense of their power so some peaceful fish near the door would be fine. (No fighting fish or Piranhas, please!)
Blue, white or clear glass is the obvious way to reference the element of water when you want to enhance a Life Path area. Art glass is wonderful as are cut flowers in a vase but cut flowers anywhere in the home must be carefully attended to and must look fresh and perky at all times if you want to be Feng Shui compliant because practically nobody’s subconscious likes to be reminded of a slow death.
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