Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 7

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out? Day 7
By Victoria Pendragon
Life Path 2
Some people seem to be born knowing exactly who they are and exactly what they want to do in the world; for others, it’s just not that simple. Some folks never really find a job they love or work they can commit to…that’s human nature. We aren’t all designed to be the same. Our challenge is to find out what makes us content in life and usually that comes with accepting who we are and how we are in the world. This is one of the reasons to ensure that The Life Path areas in your home reflect back to you the concept of being supported so that you can more easily go with the flow of life.
At certain times in our lives it may be that the control that we think we should be able to exercise over our lives is compromised, as when we are young and subject to our parents rule, or if we are chronically sick, infirm or disabled. At those times it is especially useful to have symbols of support around us, to remind us to go with the flow, to allow us to resonate with the strength that we carry within…but sometimes it is difficult to connect with that inner strength, to remember that there is always support for us. At those times, Sleep Magic can come in especially handy.
Giving your body permission to let go of its despondency, to release whatever it is that you have been carrying with you that has allowed you to feel hopeless or worthless or dejected or even angry can lighten the stress on your body and soul as well as your mind. Any healthcare professional will tell you that attitude in healing makes all the difference in the world and any mental health professional will tell you that attitude makes all the difference in life, period.

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