Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 7
I notice how you are feeling and give you permission to relax as we read this, allowing these words to deeply penetrate your consciousness.
Now I picture myself asleep in bed tonight, knowing and understanding that you, my beloved body, will take over and put these words into action for me as I am sleeping, that I need to do nothing more than finish reading this.
I know that you know that I have been searching for right work, for something to do that feels right for me.
So I give you permission now to release whatever seems right and appropriate to you to let go of so that I can open to your wisdom, so that I can attract to me the opportunities that are trying to find me.
Thank you for helping me to feel more and more like myself all the time.
These assignments, because they are constructed in such a way as to give your body the comfort it deserves, can unfold slowly sometimes so if you need them, you may want to do them once a week or so – no more than that – allowing your body to feel safe, to trust you to allow it to change at its own rate. Know that your Life Path is exactly as it should be at every moment and commit to working with your body so that you can go with the flow you’re in.
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