Feng Shui to the 4th Power – Day 1

Feng Shui to the 4th Power: Body, Soul, Spirit, & Space Day 1
By Victoria Pendragon
Introduction to Sleep Magic
Your body knows everything that you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched or otherwise experienced. Ask any forensic hypnotherapist and they’ll tell you, people know thing things they don’t know that they know. And while most of us have been trained to think of our brains as the repository for memories, in fact, every cell in our body is filled with memories.
It is this vast repository of cellular memory that stands between us and what we might consider to be an absolutely perfect life. Is having an absolutely perfect life even possible? Yes, it is. Because an absolutely perfect life does not refer to a life where nothing ever goes wrong, it refers to a life in which we are content, in which we can honestly say, at the end of the day, “another perfect day,” and mean it because we have come not just to ‘understand’ that life is perfect just as it is but because we are able to embrace life…just as it is. This is where Sleep Magic, the inside part of Feng Shui from the inside out, fits into the Feng Shui4 picture.
Sleep Magic is a do-it-yourself technique for de-fusing all the low vibrational, mostly unconscious memories that your body is carrying. How do you know if your body is carrying low vibrational memories? Well, pretty much everybody is because it simply can’t be helped. The first few years of our lives when we have little or no say in what is happening either to or around us are some of the most productive years for laying down what could be called emotional programming in our cells. In the first four years of life (plus the time spent in utero) our brain is creating neural connections at a rate that it will never again come close to. Most of who we think we are is laid down in those first four years and nine months of our lives.

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