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Feng Shui to the 4th Power – Day 1

Feng Shui to the 4th Power – Day 1

Because your body remembers everything, it will remember the following assignment as you read it and will, per the instructions that are built into it, set everything in motion once you have fallen asleep.  All you have to do to make it work is read it. This assignment marks the beginning of a new, productive and very intimate relationship with your body as well as the first step to improved vibration.

 As I am reading this, I allow myself to feel gratitude to you, my body, for all that you have done for me throughout the course of this day.

I notice how you are feeling and give you permission to relax as we read this.

I picture myself asleep in bed tonight, knowing and understanding that you, my beloved body, will take over and put these words into action for me as I am sleeping, that I need to do nothing more than finish reading this.

See Also

I know that you know everything I have ever heard, tasted, smelled, felt, seen and thought. Tonight we are going to begin to work together in a new way. Tonight I am going to ask you to be my helper and my teacher. I am going to ask for your help to become everything that you know I came here to be.

So tonight, to the degree that it is comfortable for you, I give you permission to release whatever we need to release to begin this journey together. You can fill the empty space its leaving creates by expanding what ability I have to form habits that work in my behalf. 

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