Finding Beauty Everywhere – Day 10

Finding the Beauty Everywhere Day 10
By Dr Paul Haider
Can you see the beauty here in this photograph?
If you can I challenge you to go out and take your own photographs… and see beauty in things that most people would not deem as beautiful.
Even in the depths of Calcutta, in the depths of poverty there is beauty.
The people who live Calcutta are surrounded by family and touching moments of love, care, and compassion.
Now go out and take some photographs of your own… and tell your story of seeing the good in life… instead of seeing all the bad.
Even in a garbage dump with piles of trash around… there are flowers that come up… flowers that most people can’t see. — BUT CAN YOU?
Even on Skid Row there are moments of compassion and tenderness that take place… and they are powerful images of beauty… CAN YOU SEE THEM?
Go out with a open heart and take photographs of heart felt moments of beauty… or record them with your mind… and get back to me with what you have photographed or noticed in your world.
In this way we are changing the world into a more compassionate, caring, loving place to live.

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