Fulfilling Living through Oracle’s Guidance – Day 3

Fulfilling Living through Oracle’s Guidance – Day 3
By Darity Wesley
June 3rd
Modeling – The energies and directions for today are evolving around being, “modeling”, the change you want to see in the world…read on…
One thing you know for sure or should have learned by now is that you can never change people; people have to want to change. One thing that does happen along the way is the people are, indeed, influenced by other people and therefore do make changes based on successful living they see others are incorporating into their own lives. Today is a good day to really pay attention about how you are walking your path out there is the world. Are you modeling how you would like to be perceived? How do others see you?
Let your mantra for today be: I AM expressing my joy and happiness and finding ways to share this love with others…And So It Is!!!
Note: This Oracle is from the Spirit of Darity © 2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved

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