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Fulfilling Living through Oracle’s Guidance – Day 4

Fulfilling Living through Oracle’s Guidance – Day 4

Darity Wesley

Fulfilling Living through Oracle’s Guidance – Day 4

By Darity Wesley


June 4th

Risk – The energies and directions for today are evolving around taking the opportunity to come on out and take that risk today.  What risk?  Only you know.  Does it frighten you?  More than staying locked in the same old dull routine or situation?  Read on…

This Oracle is asking you whether you are ready to step into playing a great game, taking a look at your great work and vision, to take that risk or to stay safe and secure (so you think!) and bored stiff. Every accomplishment you have had in your life has more than likely involved taking that step into the unknown (boy, is that the truth?), and living through it.  Trust yourself!!!  Think seriously about taking some important risk in your life.  It’s ok.  This Oracle is here to let you know support from your angels and guides is there for you.  Trust that too!

See Also

Let your mantra for today be:  I AM willing and able to step into the unknown yet again and trust my self in taking steps toward my true vision of who I want to be or what I want to do…And So It Is!!!

Note:  This Oracle is from the Spirit of Darity © 2012-2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved

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